Tag Archives: webinar

Video Streaming New Products Webinar

If you are a vendor of goods that are routinely sold through online stores you may be an especially good candidate for video streaming.

You may use a phone conferencing system where multiple clients can converse with you about a new product. These types of services continue to be useful. However, a new generation of savvy vendors are finding a greater value in video streaming webinars.

Imagine a growing company with several hundred vendors or affiliates. This company has several new products they are ready to make available, but short of sending a sample to every current vendor on their list they opt to use a webinar to debut the new products.

They capitalize on the buzz by creating timely press releases and information on how the vendor can take advantage of the webinar. On a set date and time men and women gather in front of their computer screen to see the debut of the products.

As part of the video streaming webinar the company provides practical demonstrations of the product and benefits are Continue reading Video Streaming New Products Webinar

More Benefits Of Webinar

If you know and love Go to Meeting, an online platform for meetings, you will love Go to Webinar. Go to Webinar is a similar web-based format for online seminars; you can have up to 1,000 people attend your seminar or meeting at once and if you don’t have that many attendees you can always just use Go to Meeting. The features of the two are similar, and Go to Meeting is included in the Go to Webinar package, to handle the times when the employee load isn’t so high but you still want to get in contact with and touch base with multiple contacts and employees at once.

Go to Webinar and http://CouponCart.com are all about helping you save money, and they have even offered you a 30 day risk free trial, so you can check out Go to Webinar and see what it is all about, and the different ways in which your company can benefit from use of the service.

Go to Webinar takes the guesswork out of meeting scheduling, and it certainly saves valuable revenue on transportation. You navigate to the system through the taskbar tray on your computer; all presentations, discussions, and forums can be Continue reading More Benefits Of Webinar

Collaborating During A Webinar

If you have to collaborate with a co-worker during a webinar, you should plan in advance how you would like to conduct the presentation during the meeting. Web conferencing is a great way to involve different members of a company that live in different locations. You should talk with your co-worker prior to the web meeting to discuss specifics including the topics that will be discussed, who will go first, and which materials you will need to email to participants in advance. A collaboration tool that keeps track of slides, tasks, and other aspects of the presentation may be useful, especially if you and your co-worker live in different areas.

When giving a presentation, you will have to show slides, speak about issues, and field any questions. While some people work well with other people, some do not. You should find a web conferencing service that will help you set up meeting Continue reading Collaborating During A Webinar